Which is which
"Convinced that the "war on terror" required "robust interrogations" of captured suspects, Dick Cheney pressed the Bush administration to carve out exceptions to the Geneva Conventions."
The Washington Post:
Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency
November 10, 1865
The stockade commander of Andersonville Prison, Henry Wirz, was executed for mistreatment of prisoners of war. There are 12,884 graves at Andersonville.

The man did not look like the devil. William Marvel in his book Andersonville: The Last Depot describes Captain Wirz as "a stooped, frail fellow." Some said he had the demeanor of a rodent. His hair was dark, and he wore a full black beard. His hazel eyes betrayed the nervous energy within him. He tended not to wear his uniform coat, preferring a white linen shirt, white duck trousers and a gray army cap pulled down low over his brow. He never went anywhere without a sidearm, either a large, intimidating LeMat grape shot revolver or one of two Colt navy revolvers he owned. According to Marvel both of the Colts were "defective and would not fire."
Henry Wrz
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